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StudioW launched its own publishing label, Carthay Circle Publishing in September, 2012.  An integral part of the digital media distribution platform, CCP identifies new and original content that it develops for multiple modes of digital and traditional media production and distribution.  CCP launched its first title, ABOVE, as an eBook across all platforms including and developed other material across other StudioW outlets.  CCP will be launching additional titles, including a 4-book comic series entitled WILDFIRE with partner Top Cow Productions in 2014.   Read more at the CCP website by clicking HERE.


As a digital publisher, CCP will develop original material and execute on the following plan:

  • ​Publish eBook in digital, audio, and print formats

  • Exclusive ​​​​​​​​​sponsorship component will allow for broader exposure. ​

  • Author Showcase, interviews, blog, vlog, and links to exclusive content.

  • Carthay Circle Publishing will look to create products along multiple modes of media, establishing multiple revenue streams and introducing its original content to a very broad audience of digital media consumers.

Carthay Circle Publishing

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